March09 2025 (Sun)
5:30 PM

Classic Spectacular

G. F. Händel, A. Vivaldi, F. Schubert

Klementinum St. Salvator Church - Main Church | Classical Music

60 minutes | Available

Overall rating:

Rated 5/5 based on 147
5.00/ 5

Fantastic performance and performers! Highly recommended.

5.00/ 5

Wonderfully selected works of composers and plcace where they were performed. Excellent performance of this works by the musicians. We had a great time. Thanks you

5.00/ 5
5.00/ 5

Musicianship was amazing. Audience was atrocious with people holding their phone high above their head to videotape. Absolutely appalling. You should not allow pictures especially videotaping during the performance. It took away entirely from the experience and made every audience member frustrated, annoyed and livid.

4.00/ 5

It was a great experience for me and my friends . Something very special that we enjoyed and I fully recommend at the list of your things to do, if you are visiting the Prague. I love the classic music, but hearing it, in that old church, it make me feel very good and something new for me.

5.00/ 5

The music was wonderful, I loved all parts of the organ performance, the sound of the organ, the violin orchestra, their energy, and the soloist was spectacular. I think there was an organ piece that wasn't on the list but I think everything else was played so the extra music was very appreciated.

4.00/ 5

Only negative was they sold our tickets twice, but luckily, we arrived early enough to secure our seats. Otherwise, it was a wonderful concert with highly skilled performers.

5.00/ 5

4.00/ 5

I notice most of the classical concerts are the same programme… beethoven 5th, the Moldau, etc. I want to be able to go to several events but the choice is too similar.

5.00/ 5

5.00/ 5

5.00/ 5

Good music, good acoustic, good singer and musicians

2.00/ 5

Koncert sám o sobě špatný nebyl, program byl velmi výživný i pro lidi co se neorijentují v klasické hudbě. Místo konání bylo krásné, ale kvůli malému obsazení hudebníků (dvoje první housle, dvoje duhé housle, viola, cello a kontrabas) byl zvuk slabý a nedokázal vyplnit mohutnou akustiku tak velkého kostelu a tudíž si nedokážu pomoci, ale cena se mi zdá za tak špatný zvuk příliš vysoká. Musím pochválit sólovou zpěvačku, jejíž hlas dokázal prostory vyplnit a tak si nejlépe zapamatuji právě tuto část koncertu.

5.00/ 5

Sélection de morceaux très connus mais excellente interprétation. Idéal comme initiation à la musique classique.

5.00/ 5

5.00/ 5

A truly remarkable performance covering several timeless pieces of music by various composers. The performers were top notch.

5.00/ 5

Magnifique concert, une musique de qualité interprétée par de superbes artistes.

PragueTicketOffice: Cher Monsieur Gasparini, Nous vous remercions pour vos aimables paroles et nous sommes heureux que vous ayez apprécié le concert. Cordialement, Eva/ Prague Ticket Office
5.00/ 5

5.00/ 5

4.00/ 5

5.00/ 5

3.00/ 5

The concert is lovely. But there should not be any sort of recording. It is very distracting. Hope the organise enforce this.

5.00/ 5

Fabuleux.. mais 1h c’est trop court. En revanche il faut bien se couvrir il ne fait pas chaud !

4.00/ 5

5.00/ 5

Un pur bonheur ! Merci aux musiciens et à la chanteuse

5.00/ 5

4.00/ 5

5.00/ 5

5.00/ 5

4.00/ 5

Koncert byl moc hezký, co se mi nelíbilo, byla organizace vstupenek. Vstupenky jsem měla vytisklé z internetu, ale před vchodem na koncert mi blyo sděleno pořadatelem (asi cizinec, neuměl česky, naštěstí umím anglicky), že si mám vytisklou vstupenku vyměnit za papírovou. Zejména pro cizince to byl zmatek a zdržení, nepochopitelné v dnešní době, kdy papírové vstupenky už skoro nejsou potřeba. Dostali jsme vstupneku bez označení sedadla, následně jsme na koncert byli usazeni na skládací židle. Argumentovala jsem, že na původní vstupence je napsáno, že místa si v daném sektoru můžeme rezervovat stylem kdo dřív přijde, ten dřív mele. Bylo mi sděleno, že to tak není. Nicnéně nakonec to pán vyřešil měli jsme vlastně ve výsledku lepší místa než jsme měli mít, ale příště bych si toto raději ušetřila, jasné označení sedadel už na vstupence a zrušení nutnosti mít další vstupenku na pokladně přímo v kostele by bylo fajn.

5.00/ 5

A marvellous performance. A perfect repertoire. I highly recommend it.

4.00/ 5

5.00/ 5

Překrásné místo, nádherná hudba, skvělý zážitek!

3.00/ 5

The voice was incredible The organ was a bit too much Worth the c band ticket though

3.00/ 5

The voice was incredible The organ was a bit too much Worth the c band ticket though

4.00/ 5

5.00/ 5

An excellent concert, in a stunning venue.

5.00/ 5

5.00/ 5

2.00/ 5

2.00/ 5

5.00/ 5

The concert was beautiful. A great assortment of the top classics in everyone's list and done very nicely. We thoroughly enjoyed it

5.00/ 5

5.00/ 5

Wonderful performance in gorgeous venue. I’ve never seen musicians playing violins so closely, and it feels magical. I was very focused during the hour of performance and enjoyed every bit of it!

5.00/ 5

Wonderful event in a splendid setting. Marvelous combination of strings, soprano and organ. A highlight of our time in Prague.3Q6p6

5.00/ 5

5.00/ 5

3.00/ 5

For a one-hour concert, the selection of musical pieces was good. The performers were, as a whole, between average to better-than-average. The reason my rating is "Average" and not a higher one is the nature of the compression of the pieces used in order to fit all the pieces into the one-hour program, and the rushed tempi used. For example, while not much violence was done to Vivaldi's Spring and Summer movements of "The Seasons," a normally paced performance of Vltava normally runs about 12 minutes, and in this event, this lovely piece was badly compressed and rushed.

5.00/ 5

5.00/ 5

Great Solo artist. The church acustics were perfect, small intimate setting and great to hear the natural sounds. Highly recommend you allow time in your visit to do this concert well worth the money and the time.

3.00/ 5

Less organ music would be better. Chamber orchestra seemed a bit lacking in enthusiasm. Choose some more unique music, - it didn't feel like most people wanted to hear things they had heard a million times.

5.00/ 5

4.00/ 5

Overall very good. Would have liked the orchestra to introduce the song / piece and explain the story behind each piece

4.00/ 5

Excellent concert, avec des tubes certes mais beaucoup de nuances et d'énergie, preuve qu'lis sont indémodables. Un regret que la chanteuse et l'organiste ne saulent pas à la fin . Mais Vraiment bravo pour la prestation.

5.00/ 5

Excellent concert in a beautiful old church. Quintessential classical compositions that transcend centuries, and were even familiar to my young adult sons who had never been to a symphony of classical music. Make sure you take any tickets purchased online to the ticket booth to the right of the main entrance to obtain your “real” tickets, so you don’t have to go stand in another line and miss good seats when you get to the front of the main line up.

3.00/ 5

Organ parts verry good. Vocal parts not really powerful. Violines average. Too many respectless people in the audience. Making records (movies/pictures) partly by walking around. Orchestra too little for the big church. Too expensive. Concert in mirror chapel much better.

5.00/ 5

Enjoyed it very much, the musicians and venue were fabulous. A great memory to take home from Prague.

5.00/ 5

An excellent performance with front row seating. The performance was delivered very well and it was obvious through the interaction of the performers that they were enjoying being there. Highly recommend

4.00/ 5

4.00/ 5

We enjoyed this concert.

5.00/ 5

5.00/ 5

5.00/ 5

Love the passionate performance from the musicians!!

5.00/ 5

Lovely location inside St Salvador church. All the musicians and the soprano were excellent. Great way to spend an hour and would thoroughly recommend

5.00/ 5

Very accomplished performance in a beautiful church. Highly recommended

5.00/ 5

Musical selections were varied and showed the range of the musicians. Soprano was top notch, and organist very talented. Would highly recommend!

4.00/ 5

Musicians played with spirit. Concert was enjoyable. Venue was beautiful.

5.00/ 5

Excellent concert. Very high quality musicians, great setting. Well worth attending.

5.00/ 5

Lovely concert in a gorgeous setting

5.00/ 5

5.00/ 5

4.00/ 5

I would recommend the event. My only complain is the event is not heated as it is announced in the pamphlets, so if you are looking for an indoor event to escape poor weather, you will freeze by being seated for one hour in a cold church.

4.00/ 5

I would recommend the event. My only complain is the event is not heated as it is announced in the pamphlets, so if you are looking for an indoor event to escape poor weather, you will freeze by being seated for one hour in a cold church.

5.00/ 5

5.00/ 5

4.00/ 5

5.00/ 5

5.00/ 5

The performers were top quality and clearly knew how to put on a good show. The time flew by and we couldn’t believe it was already over. World class.

5.00/ 5

3.00/ 5

Koncert mi jako celek přišel spíše průměrný, pod moje očekávání. Těšil jsem se na hudebně zajímavou kombinaci varhan, sopranistky a ansámblu. Repertoár byl předveden na technicky velmi dobré úrovni, umělci jsou nesporně profesionálové. Prostor pro zlepšení však vidím zejména v tom, že by akce mohla být více než jen technické provedení sklateb. Chybělo mi v ní větší nasazení umělců, jakási emoce jejich nadšení z vlastního vystoupení. Celkově to pak na mě působilo jako komerčně laděná akce na podporu kostela, než opravdu umělecký zážitek. Publikum bylo dominantně turistické, což mně na dojmu nepřidávalo, ale i tak to nepovažuji za důvod, proč by akce, kterou si turisti zaplatí, neměla být pojata na lepší úrovni. Pokud si lidi něco z takových akcí odnesou, tak jsou to především emoce, které v nich zanechá.

4.00/ 5

4.00/ 5

Hezké prostředí, hezký výběr skladeb, dostatečně dlouhé - i krátké - takže možné i pro děti. Moc příjemné. Rozhodně budu opakovat.

5.00/ 5

Absolutely incredible. Wonderful setting, The performance was wonderful, bringing us to tears with the emotional investment made by the performers. A treasured memory that will stay with us for years.

5.00/ 5

4.00/ 5

We really enjoyed the concert. There was a bit of confusion when we tried to get in, having got there early and at front of queue, were told we had to go back to ticketg office and exchange our online vouchers for actual tickets. This was a bit annoying, but worked out well in the end as we ended up in slightly better seats that we had booked. The music was beautiful. The Church was a bit cold, but we appreciated the heated seats! Thank you.

5.00/ 5

I was not sure what to expect but the performance was outstanding and we were so happy that we attended. The church was a beautiful setting for the performance and for the first time we actually got to hear an organ play. I would say the one hour performance was the perfect time.

5.00/ 5

A fantastic start to our evening in beautiful surroundings. Excellent music and lovely atmosphere. I would highly recommend this event.

5.00/ 5

The musicians were all awesome and Maria Fajtova was beautiful with a matching voice. Awesome experience on my first trip to Prague.

5.00/ 5

Absolutely loved this performance. I could have sat there all eveing listening to the orchestra.

5.00/ 5

real music in a fantastic place

4.00/ 5

I enjoyed it very much, the compositions were chosen and executed perfectly. It was just quite too cold in the church. BR, Christian Scharmach

5.00/ 5

Great atmosphere, great artists, great church.

5.00/ 5

Five Star experience

5.00/ 5

5.00/ 5

Beautiful venue. Excellent sound. Fabulous musicians.

5.00/ 5

The orchestra musicians, organist & soprano were excellent- Ave Maria brought me to tears!

5.00/ 5

Beautiful music in a stunning video. It would be nice if you asked people not to record on their phones, people on either side of me had phones up recording for 75% of the performance.

4.00/ 5

Very good music (except the organ stuff), talented musicians and singer.

5.00/ 5

Breathtaking. Outstanding. Brilliant.

2.00/ 5
5.00/ 5

Great artists and beautiful venue.

5.00/ 5

Every emotional experience. Especially when the musicians played Vltava.

5.00/ 5

Très bel ensemble d'artiste généreux

5.00/ 5

5.00/ 5

Velmi krásný koncert, výběr skladeb nemohl být lepší a naprosto úžasní hudebníci a zpěvačka. Všem vřele doporučuji.

3.00/ 5

1) S českou návštěvou se na tomto koncertě asi nepočítá, každý na nás mluvil AJ. 2) Je třeba si poptávat ještě přesné místo vedle v podkladně. Každý nejprve hledá, kde koncert je, nasměrovala nás paní u Klementina na správné místo, čekali jsme na vstup, pak nám mladík u vstupu řekl, že si ještě máme jít poptat do podklady přesné sedadlo. Je to takový divný chaos. 3) A nakonec jsme neměli ani program v ruce k celému koncertu. Přišlo mi to celé takové uspěchané a vlastně jsem si těch 50 minut koncertu ani moc neužila. A to jsem se velmi těšila.

2.00/ 5
5.00/ 5

The musicians put on an excellent performance. Fabulous variety of music and the fact they we're all having fun performing, that extended out into the audience.

5.00/ 5

Skvělý zážitek

5.00/ 5

I loved the first violin and the soprano

5.00/ 5

Nikdy jsem neslyšela tak dobré houslové unisono a čisté tóny. Nádhera, velmi povedené, mráz mi běhal po zádech.

5.00/ 5

5.00/ 5

What a brilliant way to end our weekend on Prague. An amazing setting with wonderful performers. Particularly enjoyed Ave Maria and Spring and Summer 4 seasons. The organ sounded incredible. Would highly recommend.

4.00/ 5

Good artista. Nice selection. Though 57 minutes is a bit short.

4.00/ 5

5.00/ 5

Very wonderful concert. The Orchestra was playing very Well and the Songs we're nice. Im Not really a Fan of Classic music but i did enjoy. 👍🏻

5.00/ 5

Awesome performance!

5.00/ 5

Wonderful performance!!enjoyed the venue and the music

5.00/ 5

Wonderful performance!!enjoyed the venue and the music

2.00/ 5
4.00/ 5

Really impressed by the Orchestra, excellent show.

5.00/ 5

5.00/ 5

I enjoyed this. It’s a beautiful spot to hear some string classics and the soprano was great.

3.00/ 5

It lacks a few instruments. Since only chords and an organ are played I ask mylsef why not chose less known works that are made for this display of instruments.

4.00/ 5

Un très beau concert, de grande qualité. Pensez à bien vous couvrir car l’église est froide !

5.00/ 5

My partner and I thoroughly enjoyed this concert. My partner is the one who likes classical music but I loved this show also.

5.00/ 5

It was a beautiful show between the music and gorgeous venue.

5.00/ 5

The performance was professional and although only a small number of instruments, the sound was really good. The soloist and the organist were also polished .

5.00/ 5

Na nejvyšší úrovni

5.00/ 5

This was an excellent concert. The venue was amazingly beautiful, the performers were excellent, and the timing was perfect (60 minutes at 7:30pm) for our family to enjoy the music before dinner. Definitely a highlight of our visit to Prague.

5.00/ 5

Beautiful, angelic and spectacular!

5.00/ 5

This was an super consert. Good portuar, Good Music and in this Church you have very good acustic for kind of Music. The orgal Music was amazing.

5.00/ 5

5.00/ 5

excellent evening . Oustanding musicians and singer.

5.00/ 5

4.00/ 5

The play of Violin is especially good. The harmony was also fare. I could enjoy the show in the church.

4.00/ 5

Professional Planung.

4.00/ 5

Très beau concert l'acoustique est excellente.

5.00/ 5

5.00/ 5

5.00/ 5

Excellent musicians, beautiful vocalist, a great selection of classic classics in a superb setting. Loved it. Thank you for a fantastic hour.

5.00/ 5

Lovely selection of music in a beautiful setting. Excellent musicianship.

5.00/ 5

It was great! I will come back. Very easy to listen, you could bring your teenagers with you, the selection of music is very pleasant. A short concert, just about an hour. Perfect

5.00/ 5

Excellent performance. Played very well, and the selections were wonderful. Thank you.

5.00/ 5

5.00/ 5

One of the highlights of our Prague trip!

5.00/ 5

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